
  • How Emotions are made by Lisa Feldman Barrett
  • The Brain that changes itself by Norman Doidge
  • Mindsight by Daniel J. Siegel
  • Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking by Susan Cain
  • Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the heart of the a Buddha by Tara Brach


  • Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Cline and Jim Fay
  • How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
  • Parenting from the inside out by Daniel Siegel and Mary Hartzell
  • The Conscious Parent by Shefali Tsabary


  • What Makes Love Last: How to build trust and avoid betrayal by John Gottman and Nan Silver
  • Hold me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson
  • The 7 principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman
  • Receiving Love by Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt
  • Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel
  • The State of Affairs by Esther Perel

Books on Trauma

  • Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma by Peter A. Levine
  • The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk
  • Trauma and Recovery by Judith Lewis Herman
  • The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma Treatment by Babette Rothschild
  • Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy by Clare Pain, Kekuni Minton, and Pat Ogden
  • Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Internal Self-Alienation by Janina Fisher
  • Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky
  • Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving: A Guide and Map for Recovering from Childhood Trauma by Pete Walker

Books on Pregnancy loss

Books for the Death of a child

  • A Child Dies: A Portrait of Family Grief by Arnold, J.H. and P.B. Gemma.
  • When Good-bye Is Forever: Learning to Live Again After the Loss of a Child by Bramblett, J.
  • Recovering From the Loss of a Child by Donnelly, K. F.
  • After the Death of a Child: Living with Loss Through the Years by Finkbeiner, A. K.
  • In the Midst of Winter: Selections from the Literature of Mourning by Moffat, M.J. (Ed.)
  • Parental Loss of a Child by Rando, T.A. (Ed.)
  • The Bereaved Parent by Schiff, H.S.
  • Men and Grief: A Guide for Men Surviving the Death of a Loved One, A Resource for Caregivers and Mental Health Professionals by Staudacher.C.

Books on Coping with Infertility

  • Waiting for Daisy, by: Peggy Orenstein
    • Peggy Orenstein’s widely hailed and bestselling memoir of her quest for parenthood begins when she tells her new husband that she’s not sure she ever wants to be a mother; it ends six years later after she’s done almost everything humanly possible to achieve that goal. Buffeted by one obstacle after another, Orenstein seeks answers both medical and spiritual in America and Asia, all the while trying to hold on to a marriage threatened by cycles, appointments, procedures, and disappointments. Waiting for Daisyis both an intimate page-turner and a wryly funny report from the front.
  • Laughing IS Conceivable, by: Lori Shandle-Fox
    • Laughing IS Conceivable is a quick and very funny book was written while the author was going through IUI and IVF treatments.
  • Journey to Destiny, Traveling Through Infertility, by: Danielle Kinsey
    • Come exist inside of this emotional journey of a young, black woman braving the road of infertility. Feel every devastation and triumph that details this journey and even her traumatic past that surfaces because of the pressures of it. You don’t want to miss this compelling and inspiring story, which aims to speak to all women. Women that are running towards their destiny, in spite of their baggage, pain, and truth.
  • Every Drunken Cheerleader: Why Not Me? By: Kristine Ireland Waits
    • Kristine Ireland Waits writes about her own struggle with infertility in a information-packed, inspiring story for women who are struggling with infertility and for those trying to support them. The book will have you throwing your head back in laughter, curling up in the comfort of feeling understood, and hearing raw honesty give you permission to be exactly who you are
  • Wanting Another Child: Coping with Secondary Infertility, by: Harriet Fishman Simons
    • Parents experiencing infertility experience many of the losses of childless individuals, but have unique issues to confront as well. Often, theirs is an unacknowledged loss which increases their sense of isolation. This book incorporates the narratives of 60 individuals coping with secondary infertility and draws on their experiences to validate the loss and suggest strategies for moving forward.
  • I’m Taking My Eggs and Going Home, by: Lisa Manterfield
    • Lisa Manterfield’s award-winning memoir traces her spiraling route from rational 21st century woman to desperate mama-wannabe. She examines the siren song of motherhood, the insidious lure of the fertility industry, and the repercussions of being childless in a mom-centric society. But this isn’t just another infertility story with another miracle baby ending, nor is it a sad introspective of a childless woman; this is a story about love, desire, and choices and ultimately about hope. It is the story of a woman who escapes her addiction, not with a baby, but with her sanity, her marriage, and her sense-of-self intact.
  • Inconceivable: A Woman’s Triumph over Despair and Statistics, by: Julia Indichova
    • Inconceivable is a memoir of hope and fulfilled dreams. Indichova, the founder ofcom, a fertility advocacy group and global community, shares her personal story of perseverance, self-trust and endless determination.
  • Silent Sorority: A Barren Woman Gets Busy, Angry, Lost and Found Paperback, by: Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos
    • In relating what happens when nature and science find their limits, the award-winning memoir Silent Sorority examines a seldom acknowledged outcome and raises provocative, often uncomfortable questions usually reserved for late night reflection or anonymous blogging. Outside of the physical reckoning there lies the challenge of moving forward in a society that doesn’t know how to handle the awkwardness of infertility. Silent Sorority provides an unflinching and insightful look at adjusting to a new path, and offers a steady voice rarely heard in the noisy era of designer babies and helicopter parents. Silent Sorority received the 2010 RESOLVE Award for Best Book. It’s also included as a recommended resource in the 2011 edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves.


  • Unsung Lullabies: Understanding and Coping with Infertility, by: Janet Jaffee, PhD, Martha Diamond, PhD, and David Diamond, PhD
    • Unsung Lullabies acknowledges all the emotions that you face when experiencing infertility. The books aims to give couples the tools to reduce their sense of helplessness, identify their partner’s coping style, and learn to listen to their conscious and unconscious thoughts about having a family.
  • When the Cradle is Empty, Answer Tough Questions About Infertility, by: John Van Regenmorter
    • Authors John and Sylvia Van Regenmorter share their own experience with infertility.With wisdom, compassion, and sound biblical advice, this comprehensive guide helps couples explore their options, get the medical help they need, deal with pressures from family and friends, and protect their marriage.
  • Savvy Woman’s Guide to PCOS, by: Elizabeth Lee Vliet
    • A practical, user-friendly guide for women struggling with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. The book provide offers information to understand the disorder, know what tests to ask for, what the tests mean, what treatments are available, and how to take a stepwise approach to healthy hormone balance, sound meal plans, exercise, and stress management.
  • Infertility Survival Handbook, by: Elizabeth Swire Falker
    • After seven years of tests and more tests, treatments and more treatments, Elizabeth Swire-Falker understands what it means to struggle with infertility. In this frank, reassuring, and thoroughly researched handbook, she shares her own personal experience and offers insight into what challenges to expect along the way-from getting support to finding the right doctor to dealing with insurance
  • Resolving Infertility: Understand the options and choosing solution when you want, by: ResolveSuzanne Levert, & Diane Aronson
    • A book that takes you step-by-step through the medical process, from diagnosis to treatment. It offers advice on choosing your medical team and up-to-the-minute coverage of the latest reproductive technologies. Chapters discuss the myriad emotional issues connected with infertility; alternative options such as surrogacy, adoption, donor pregnancy, or living child-free; and advice on planning your finances and knowing your legal options and responsibilities.
  • Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement and Reproductive Health, by: Toni Weschler
    • Learn how your body works, how to read your fertility signs and regain a sense of power that infertility tries to rob you of
  • Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility, by: Sami S. David and Jill Blakeway
    • David a reproductive endocrinologist and Blakeway, a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist write on identifying the root cause of your fertility problems, making lifestyle changes to enhance your fertility, and taking unconventional steps to get pregnant.
  • The Infertility Cure: The Ancient Chinese Wellness Program for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies, by: Randine Lewis, Ph.D
    • Lewis is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, explores Eastern medicine’s approaches to infertility as opposed to traditional Western methods of treatment. Lewis offers examples of couples who are able to conceive by making dietary changes, taking specific herbs and undergoing acupuncture treatments.
  • What to Do When You Can’t Get Pregnant: The Complete Guide to All the Technologies for Couples Facing Fertility Problems, by: Daniel Potter Jennifer S. Hanin.
    • Daniel a world-renowned fertility expert, and Jennifer a journalist who navigated the waters of infertility and conceived via IVF, teamed up to write a guide the latest technologies, potential procedures, methods for choosing the best doctor, and questions couples should ask and tips for increasing fertility through lifestyle changes.
  • The Fertile Female: How the Power of Longing for a Child Can Save Your Life and Change the World, by: Julia Indichova
    • Written by an author whose expertise grew from an extensive counseling practice as well as personal experience. The Fertile Female offers a hope-filled view of reproductive difficulties, with a deeper understanding of the often-confusing messages of mind-body and alternative medicine. With an engaging mix of passion and humor the book initiates a public debate on the politics of infertility and its effect on our health care system. Includes practice exercises and a section on dietary recommendations, complete with recipes.
  • Having Your Baby Through Egg Donation, by: Ellen Sarasohn Glazer
    • Having Your Baby Through Egg Donation is a comprehensive guide for those who are thinking of, or pursuing egg donation, as well as for those who are already parents through egg donation. It addresses the practical, financial, logistical, social and ethical questions that arise during the decision-making process. The book provides extensive information offered from a compassionate and hopeful perspective. The authors have updated the book to include travel for egg donation, as well as acknowledgment of how the emerging field of epigenetics impacts our thinking and understanding of egg donation.

For men:

  • How to Make Love to a Plastic Cup, by: Greg Wolfe
    • Greg Wolfe went through four cycles of IVF on his rocky journey to fatherhood-and now, with profound sympathy and side-splitting humor, he lays it all out for guys on similar baby-making quests. How to Make Love to a plastic Cup is not your typical nuts and bolts (no pun intended) medical guide but a helpful handbook designed specifically with the male partner in mind, with answers to his most pressing questions about the infertility process, including:
      • Why are boxers better than briefs?
      • How can hamsters help determine what’s wrong with my sperm?
      • My wife’s already moody enough-why am I injecting her with even more hormones?
    • Is it necessary for me to fill the whole cup at the fertility clinic?
  • What He Can Expect When She’s Not Expecting: How to Support Your Wife, Save Your Marriage, and Conquer Infertility, by: Marc Sedaka and Gregory Rosen
    • Marc Sedaka stood by while he and his wife endured endless rounds of drug therapies, sixteen artificial inseminations, ten in-vitro fertilizations, three miscarriages, and, finally, a gestational surrogate (“womb for rent”) who carried their twin girls to term. He was as supportive and loving as he could be, but he really wished he’d had a book like What He Can Expect When She’s Not Expecting during the process. Most books about dealing with infertility are geared toward women, leaving the man to his own devices when it comes to comfort and encouragement (never a good idea). With the help of his own infertility doctor, Sedaka provides straightforward guy-friendly advice on situations such as:
      • What questions you should ask at the consultations.
      • How to help rather than annoy.
      • What kinds of tests you and your wife should expect.
      • How to console a wife who appears inconsolable.
      • How to enjoy procreation sex.
      • Sedaka’s accessible, empathetic voice, combined with the fact that he experienced everything he writes about, makes this a must-have book for any infertile couple.
  • Overcoming Male Infertility, by: Leslie Schover and Anthony Thomas
    • In this book two leading experts, a urologist specializing in male infertility and a psychologist, team up to write the most complete guide available on male infertility. From the latest, state-of-the-art treatments to advice on how to handle the emotional aspects of male infertility, you’ll find out where to get the help you need. Overcoming Male Infertility also covers the psychological issues that are unique to men, and gives advice to women on helping their man through the trauma of infertility treatment–including how to get him to see a doctor in the first place.

Books for patients who have Borderline Personality Disorder

Health Worries/Hypochondriasis

  • Asmundson, Gordon J.G. and Taylor, Steven: It’s Not All in Your Head: How Worrying About Your Health Could Be Making You Sick– and What You Can Do About It

Comprehensive Self-help Workbooks for All Anxiety Disorders

  • Bourne, Edmund: The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook (Fourth Edition)
  • Bourne, Edmund: Coping with Anxiety: 10 Simple Ways to Relieve Anxiety, Fear & Worry
  • Burns, David: When Panic Attacks: The New Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy That Can Change Your Life
  • Davis, McKay, Eshelman: The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook
  • Ramirez-Basco, Monica: Never Good Enough: How to Use Perfectionism to Your Advantage Without Letting it Ruin Your Life
  • Smits, Jasper and Otto, Michael: Exercise for Mood and Anxiety Disorders
  • Otto, Pollack, Barlow: Stopping Anxiety Medication: Panic Control Therapy for Benzodiazepine Discontinuation

Specific Phobias

  • Antony, Craske, and Barlow: Mastering Your Fears and Phobias (workbook) from the Treatments That Work” series
  • Ridley, Layne: White Knuckles: Overcoming the Fear of Flying
  • Brown, Duane: Flying Without Fear: Effective Strategies to Get Your Where You Need to Go

Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia

  • Barlow, David and Craske, Michelle: Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic
  • Carbonell, David: Panic Attacks Workbook: A Guided Program for Beating the Panic Trick
  • Wilson, Reid: Don’t Panic: Taking Control of Anxiety Attacks (3rd Edition)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  • Craske, Michelle and Barlow, David: Mastery of Your Anxiety and Worry
  • Brantley, Jeffrey: Calming Your Anxious Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anxiety, Fear, and Panic
  • Davis, McKay, Eshelman: The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook
  • Ramirez-Basco, Monica: Never Good Enough: How to Use Perfectionism to Your Advantage Without Letting it Ruin Your Life
  • Benson, Herbert and Proctor, William: Relaxation Revolution: Enhancing Your Personal Health through the Science & Genetics of Mind Body Healing
  • Lackner, Jeffrey: Controlling IBS the Drug-free Way: A 10-step Plan for Symptom Relief

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

  • Freedom from OCD by Jonathan Grayson
  • Stopping the noise in your head by Reid Wilson
  • Brain Lock by Schwartz
  • Stop Obsessing by Foa and Wilson
  • Hyman, Bruce and Pedrick, Cherry: The OCD Workbook: Your Guide to Breaking Free from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Foa, Edna and Kozak, Michael: Mastery of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach!

Social Anxiety Disorder

  • Hope, Heimberg, Turk: Managing Social Anxiety (workbook)
  • Rapee, Ronald: Overcoming Shyness and Social Phobia: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • Markway, Carmin, Pollard, & Flynn: Dying of Embarrassment
  • Antony, Martin and Swinson, Richard: The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook: Proven, Step-by-Step Techniques for Overcoming Your Fear
  • Erika Hilliard: Living Fully With Shyness and Social Anxiety: A Comprehensive Guide to Gaining Social Confidence
  • Soifer, Zqourides, Himle, Pickering: Shy Bladder Syndrome: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Overcoming Paruresis
  • Fine, Debra: The Fine Art of Small Talk

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • Foa, Edna: Reclaiming Your Life From a Traumatic Experience (workbook)
  • Hickling, Edward, and Blanchard, Edward: Overcoming the Trauma of Your Motor Vehicle Accident (workbook) from the “Treatments That Work” series
  • Olasov, Barbara and Foa, Edna: Reclaiming Your Life After Rape: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (workbook)
  • Williams, Mary Beth and Poijula, Soili: The PTSD Workbook: Simple, Effective Techniques for Overcoming Traumatic Stress Symptoms
  • Follette, Victoria and Pistorello, Jacqueline: Finding Life Beyond Trauma: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Heal from Post-Traumatic Stress and Trauma-Related Problems
  • U.S Department of Health and Human Services: Directory of Services and Resources for Survivors of Torture

Impulse Control Disorders

Includes: Trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling), skin picking, pathological gambling, compulsive stealing, pyromania/fire setting, compulsive buying

  • Penzel, Fred: The Hair-Pulling Problem: A Complete Guide to Trichotillomania Grant, Donahue, Odlaug: Overcoming Impulse Control Problems (workbook)
  • Ladouceur, Robert, and Lachance, Stella: Overcoming Your Pathological Gambling (workbook)
  • Woods, Douglas, and Twohig, Michael: Trichotillomania: An ACT-enhanced Behavior Therapy Approach
  • Shulman, Terrence: Something for Nothing: Shoplifting Addiction and Recovery